The project scope, workplan, and engagement strategy will be defined at the beginning of the planning effort to identify all elements to be taken into consideration throughout the project.
- Development of project schedule and engagement strategy
- Request for Information, data collection and review existing planning documents
Engagement: Kick-off meeting for the planning process and communicate the engagement strategy, planning process, schedule with critical milestones, to University and project leaders
Extensive data gathering, analysis, assessment, and engagement with stakeholders used to integrate quantitative data with qualitative observations.
- Visioning and listening sessions with leaders and stakeholders to determine programmatic and physical needs
- Verify results of space analysis study with a post-pandemic lens
- Physical Analysis to identify issues,
- Confirm project goals and guiding principles
Engagement: Visioning, and Listening Workshops
Moving into physical planning, begin generating "Big Ideas", create alternatives to campus development, and define a development framework that allows for flexible implementation.
- Generating multiple concepts and scenarios for improvements and program shifts
- Refining and synthesizing concepts to generate a draft framework for physical improvements
Engagement: Focus and User Groups, Big Ideas and Concept Synthetization Workshop
Prioritize campus improvements according to return on investment, strategic value, and impact.
- Development of project list included in the draft planning report
- Developing preliminary short-, middle-, and long-term phasing plans
- Order-of-magnitude cost estimates for proposed projects
- Analyzing project feasibility and funding
Engagement: Prioritization and Phasing Workshops
Present, confirm, document, and deliver the plan. The final document provides a comprehensive summary of the planning process, existing conditions, and strategic recommendations to guide implementation.
- Preparing final graphics for fundraising and communications
- Finalizing report, and executive summary
Engagement: Presenting to the University leaders and campus community