Campus Master Plan Update Home / Committees

Committees and Focus Groups

As part of the University of Oregon Knight Library Visioning and Master Plan Study, standing committees and focus groups were established to drive and inform the planning process. Key to the planning process will be the frequent touchpoints with these groups. In addition to these committees listening sessions with stakeholder representatives will occur, as well as presentations to key constituency groups and public open houses.

Advisory Committee: This committee is responsible for guiding the development of the vision and master plan of the Knight Library. It is comprised of representatives from UO Libraries, UO Research and Academics, and Capital Planning and Facilities Management. (Below).

Alicia Salaz (UO Libraries)
Evey Lennon (UO Libraries)
Amy Lake (UO Libraries)
Le Yang (UO Libraries)
Joe Williams (UO Libraries)
Cass Moseley (UO Research)
Tom Shepard (CPFM)
Mike Harwood (CPFM)

Preliminary Focus Groups have been identified to participate in targeted listening sessions during the planning effort, including representatives from UO Libraries, Research (OVPRI), Infrastructure, and organizations housed within the facility.

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